1. [ verb ] move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Synonyms: come_up

"He came singing down the road" "Come with me to the Casbah" "come down here!" "come out of the closet!" "come into the room"

Related terms: go travel approach approach address emanate succeed attach_to survive surface rise come_in approach
2. [ verb ] reach a destination; arrive by movement or by making progress
Synonyms: get arrive

"She arrived home at 7 o'clock" "He got into college" "She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"

Related terms: leave reach land land pull_in drive_in plump_in roll_up land flood_in get advent arrival
3. [ verb ] come to pass; arrive, as in due course

"The first success came three days later" "It came as a shock" "Dawn comes early in June"

Related terms: anticipate happen fall approach
4. [ verb ] reach a state, relation, or condition

"The water came to a boil" "We came to understand the true meaning of life" "Their anger came to a boil" I came to realize the true meaning of life"

Related terms: change
5. [ verb ] to be the product or result
Synonyms: follow

"Melons come from a vine" "Understanding comes from experience"

Related terms: originate
6. [ verb ] enter or assume a condition, relation, use, or position

"He came into contact with a terrorist group" "The shoes came untied" "I came to see his point of view" "her face went red with anger" "The knot came loose" "Your wish will come true"

Related terms: become
7. [ verb ] come forth
Synonyms: issue_forth

"A scream came from the woman's mouth" "His breath came hard"

8. [ verb ] be found or available

"These shoes come in three colors The furniture comes unassembled"

Related terms: exist
9. [ verb ] be a native of
Synonyms: hail

"She hails from Kalamazoo"

Related terms: be derive
10. [ verb ] come from
Synonyms: derive

"The present name derives from an older form"

Related terms: evolve evolve derive deriving
11. [ verb ] extend or reach

"The water came up to my waist" "The sleeves come to your knuckles"

Related terms: run
12. [ verb ] exist or occur in a certain point in a series

"Next came the student from France"

Related terms: be
13. [ verb ] cover a certain distance

: "She came a long way"

Related terms: travel
14. [ verb ] develop into
Synonyms: amount add_up

"This idea will never amount to anything" "nothing came of his grandiose plans"

Related terms: become aggregate
15. [ verb ] come under, be classified or included
Synonyms: fall

"fall into a category" "This comes under a new heading"

Related terms: be
16. [ verb ] happen as a result

"Nothing good will come of this"

Related terms: result
17. [ verb ] come to one's mind; suggest itself
Synonyms: occur

"It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary" "A great idea then came to her"

Related terms: become
18. [ verb ] add up in number or quantity
Synonyms: total number amount add_up

"The bills amounted to $2,000" "The bill came to $2,000"

Related terms: be average outnumber make work_out number number sum sum
19. [ verb ] come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example
Synonyms: descend derive

"She was descended from an old Italian noble family" "he comes from humble origins"

Related terms: hail derive derivation descendant descent ancestry
20. [ verb ] be received, as of news on the radio or television
Synonyms: come_in

"News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"

Related terms: arrive
21. [ verb ] proceed or get along
Synonyms: do get_along make_out fare

"How is she doing in her new job?" "How are you making out in graduate school?" "He's come a long way"

Related terms: proceed
22. [ verb ] experience orgasm

"she could not come because she was too upset"

Related terms: experience orgasm
23. [ verb ] have a certain priority

"My family comes first"

Related terms: rank
Similar spelling:   Comeau