1. [ verb ] enter or assume a certain state or condition
Synonyms: get go

"He became annoyed when he heard the bad news" "It must be getting more serious" "her face went red with anger" "She went into ecstasy" "Get going!"

Related terms: change_state come take sober_up run break settle grow_into take_effect work sober_up progress progress swim gain
2. [ verb ] undergo a change or development
Synonyms: turn turn_into turn_to

: "The water turned into ice" "Her former friend became her worst enemy" "He turned traitor"

Related terms: transform come reduce suffocate flocculate nucleate carbonate change_state turn turn
3. [ verb ] come into existence

"What becomes has duration"

Related terms: originate occur form make arise root
4. [ verb ] enhance the appearance of
Synonyms: suit

: "Mourning becomes Electra" "This behavior doesn't suit you!"

Related terms: beautify
Similar spelling:   besom