1. [ adjective ] (color) having striking color
Synonyms: colourful

"colorful autumn leaves"

Related terms: colorless bright deep ablaze psychedelic changeable prismatic fluorescent chromatic color
2. [ adjective ] striking in variety and interest

"a colorful period of history" "a colorful character" "colorful language"

Related terms: colorless brave picturesque flashy many-sided many-sided flamboyant
3. [ adjective ] (color) having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination
Synonyms: colored in_color coloured

"colored crepe paper" "the film was in color" "amber-colored heads of grain"

Related terms: colorless red aflame hued tinted touched trichromatic black roan empurpled dichromatic ginger bicolor auburn monochromatic motley blue polychromatic blue calico bay color
Similar spelling:   colourful