1. [ adjective ] (sexuality) keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement
Synonyms: ablaze turned_on aroused

"his face all ablaze with excitement"- Bram Stoker "he was aflame with desire"

Related terms: passionate
2. [ adjective ] lighted up by or as by fire or flame
Synonyms: blazing on_fire afire aflare burning flaming alight ablaze

"forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning" "even the car's tires were aflame" "candles alight on the tables" "blazing logs in the fireplace" "a burning cigarette" "a flaming crackling fire" "houses on fire"

Related terms: lighted
3. [ adjective ] (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion
Synonyms: red red-faced flushed reddened crimson

"crimson with fury" "turned red from exertion" "with puffy reddened eyes" "red-faced and violent" "flushed (or crimson) with embarrassment"

Related terms: colored
Similar spelling:   affluent