1. [ adjective ] important in effect or meaning
Synonyms: important

"a significant change in tax laws" "a significant change in the Constitution" "a significant contribution" "significant details" "statistically significant"

Related terms: insignificant big noteworthy noteworthy large portentous head earthshaking evidential fundamental epochal monumental probative operative important meaningful significance
2. [ adjective ] fairly large
Synonyms: substantial

"won by a substantial margin"

Related terms: considerable
3. [ adjective ] (statistics) too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation

"the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level" "no significant difference was found"

Related terms: nonsignificant statistics
4. [ adjective ] rich in significance or implication
Synonyms: pregnant meaning

"a meaning look" "pregnant with meaning"

Related terms: meaningful
Similar spelling:   significantly