1. [ verb ] (law,criminal law) declare illegal; outlaw
Synonyms: illegalize criminalise illegalise criminalize

"Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S."

Related terms: legalize legalize forbid ban crime criminal lawlessness
2. [ noun ] (law,criminal law) someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
Synonyms: criminal crook felon malefactor
Related terms: wrongdoer murderer thief kidnapper traitor racketeer gangster smuggler blackmailer bootlegger raper briber hood conspirator accessory probationer pusher fugitive recidivist scofflaw highbinder desperado mafioso violator billie_the_kid macgregor moll james highjacker arsonist
3. [ adjective ] (law) contrary to or forbidden by law
Synonyms: illegitimate unlawful outlawed illicit

"an illegitimate seizure of power" "illicit trade" "an outlaw strike" "unlawful measures"

Related terms: illegal
4. [ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 2701
5. [ adjective ] (law) disobedient to or defiant of law
Synonyms: lawless

"lawless bands roaming the plains"

Related terms: unlawful
Similar spelling:   outlay