1. [ noun ] (law,criminal law) someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
Synonyms: criminal felon outlaw malefactor
Related terms: wrongdoer murderer thief kidnapper traitor racketeer gangster smuggler blackmailer bootlegger raper briber hood conspirator accessory probationer pusher fugitive recidivist scofflaw highbinder desperado mafioso violator billie_the_kid moll highjacker james arsonist macgregor outlaw
2. [ noun ] a circular segment of a curve
Synonyms: turn bend

: "a bend in the road" "a crook in the path"

Related terms: curve bight
3. [ verb ] bend or cause to bend
Synonyms: curve

"He crooked his index finger" "the road curved sharply"

Related terms: bend recurve curvature
4. [ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 2069
5. [ noun ] a long staff with one end being hook shaped
Synonyms: shepherd's_crook shepard's_crook
Related terms: staff
Similar spelling:   Crooks