1. [ noun ] (work) a job in an organization
Synonyms: position place post spot billet office situation slot

"he occupied a post in the treasury"

Related terms: occupation job legation professorship apprenticeship academicianship bishopry chairmanship chaplaincy attorneyship clerkship comptrollership bailiffship admiralty discipleship chancellorship foremanship chieftaincy headship commandership internship consulship legislatorship controllership cadetship ambassadorship curacy accountantship counselorship messiahship prelacy editorship eldership emirate protectorship generalship governorship headship solicitorship incumbency inspectorship instructorship tribuneship judgship lectureship fatherhood khanate librarianship lieutenancy councillorship caliphate marshalship mastership mayoralty moderatorship curatorship overlordship pastorship custodianship captainship praetorship precentorship deanship premiership presidency primateship principalship priorship proconsulship proctorship preceptorship prefecture receivership regency rulership secretaryship senatorship sinecure directorship speakership stewardship studentship teachership thaneship throne treasurership cardinalship viceroyship viziership wardenship wardership hot_seat apostleship fatherhood managership manhood peasanthood public_office residency sainthood womanhood magistracy station officiate post
2. [ verb ] (nautical) secure in or as if in a berth or dock
Synonyms: tie_up moor

"tie up the boat"

Related terms: fasten wharf mooring
3. [ noun ] (nautical) a place where a craft can be made fast
Synonyms: moorage slip mooring
Related terms: anchorage moor
4. [ verb ] provide with a berth
Related terms: supply mooring
5. [ verb ] (nautical) come into or dock at a wharf
Synonyms: wharf moor

"the big ship wharfed in the evening"

Related terms: dock pier
6. [ noun ] (housing) a bed on a ship or train; usually in tiers
Synonyms: bunk built_in_bed
Related terms: bed upper_berth lower_berth
Similar spelling:   Bertha