1. [ adjective ] (informal) not as expected
Synonyms: funny suspect suspicious queer fishy

"there was something fishy about the accident" "up to some funny business" "some definitely queer goings-on" "a shady deal" "her motives were suspect" "suspicious behavior"

Related terms: colloquialism questionable
2. [ adjective ] of questionable taste or morality
Synonyms: louche

"a louche nightclub" "a louche painting"

Related terms: disreputable
3. [ adjective ] of businesses and businessmen
Synonyms: fly-by-night

"a fly-by-night operation"

Related terms: untrustworthy
4. [ adjective ] filled with shade
Synonyms: shadowy shadowed umbrageous

"the shady side of the street" "the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed" "we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove" "cool umbrageous woodlands"

Related terms: shaded
Similar spelling:   Shad