1. [ verb ] (agriculture) to break and turn over earth esp. with a plow
Synonyms: turn plough

"Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week" "turn the earth in the Spring"

Related terms: till harrow ridge farming plowing plowman dig
2. [ noun ] (agriculture) a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing
Synonyms: plough
Related terms: tool moldboard_plow bull_tongue
3. [ verb ] deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression
Synonyms: deal cover treat handle work address

"This book deals with incest" "The course covered all of Western Civilization" "The new book treats the history of China"

Related terms: broach discourse spiel theologise treat embrace discussion
4. [ verb ] move in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil
Synonyms: plough

"The ship plowed through the water"

Related terms: travel
Similar spelling:   plo