1. [ adjective ] used colloquially of one who is overly conceited or arrogant
Synonyms: stuck-up snooty snotty snot-nosed too_big_for_one's_breeches uppish bigheaded

"a snotty little scion of a degenerate family"-Laurent Le Sage "they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety"

Related terms: proud
2. [ adjective ] used colloquially of one who is overly conceited or arrogant
Synonyms: stuck-up snooty snotty snot-nosed too_big_for_one's_breeches uppish bigheaded

"a snotty little scion of a degenerate family"-Laurent Le Sage "they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety"

Related terms: proud
3. [ adjective ] characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details
Synonyms: pernickety

"a persnickety job" "a persnickety school teacher"

Related terms: fastidious
Similar spelling:   Persoonia