1. [ noun ] (biology,botany) chiefly tropical trees and shrubs and vines usually having a tall columnar trunk bearing a crown of very large leaves; coextensive with the order Palmales
Synonyms: Palmaceae family_Palmaceae Arecaceae family_Arecaceae palm_family family_Palmae
Related terms: monocot_family Palmales Borassus genus_Areca Acrocomia Phytelephas Elaeis genus_Calamus Caryota Ceroxylon Copernicia Cocos genus_Corozo Corypha Attalea Euterpe Livistona Metroxylon Nipa Orbignya Phoenicophorium Phoenix Arenga Raffia Rhapis Roystonea Sabal Serenoa Thrinax palm
Similar spelling:   Palma