1. [ noun ] (biology,botany) family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed
Synonyms: liliopsid_family
Related terms: family Juncaceae Orchidaceae Araceae Acoraceae Sparganiaceae Cannaceae Burmanniaceae Gramineae Cyperaceae Pandanaceae Typhaceae Alismataceae Hydrocharitaceae Potamogetonaceae Marantaceae Musaceae Strelitziaceae Zingiberaceae Palmae Xyridaceae Commelinaceae Bromeliaceae Mayacaceae Rapateaceae Eriocaulaceae Pontederiaceae Naiadaceae Haemodoraceae Lemnaceae liliid_monocot_family Scheuchzeriaceae Zannichelliaceae Zosteraceae Dicotyledones
Similar spelling:   moonseed_family