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Definition of narly

"narly" is probably misspelled. Trying narrowly instead Definition of narrowly

1. narrowly [ r ] in a narrow manner; not allowing for exceptions
Examples: "he interprets the law narrowly"

Used in print:

(Frederick Mosteller et al., Probability with...)

These examples are illustrative of the use of the words `` trial '' and `` experiment '' as they are used in this chapter , but they are quite flexible words and it is well not to restrict them too narrowly .

(Robert A. Futterman, The Future of Our Cities....)

The freeway with narrowly spaced interchanges concentrates and mitigates the access problem , but it also acts inevitably as an artificial , isolating boundary .

Synonyms narrowly Related Terms broadly narrow narrow

Rhymes with

gnarly marley parley barley orly hourly morley nearly sorely rarely unfairly sincerely merely fairly dearly poorly barely yearly surely demurely purely clearly securely cavalierly squarely severely austerely prematurely

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