1. [ noun ] (medicine) the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques
Synonyms: medical_specialty
Related terms: medical_science biomedicine pharmacy anesthesiology sports_medicine tropical_medicine neuropsychiatry obstetrics dermatology gynecology hygiene immunology neurology internal_medicine endocrinology geriatrics psychiatry rheumatology nosology hematology space_medicine prosthetics accident_surgery allergology thoracic_medicine biomedicine dentistry cardiology epidemiology nuclear_medicine oncology ophthalmology otology pharmacology pediatrics podiatry proctology angiology urology veterinary_medicine therapeutics virology emergency_medicine forensic_medicine nephrology gastroenterology bacteriology germ_theory nonspecific chronic infection symptom therapy epidemic topical acute psychotic clonic catatonic ointment regimen licensing_fee malignancy sign positive snake_oil negative iatrogenic tolerate algid refractory self-limited invasive neurotropic noninvasive bloodletting irrigation parenteral corroborant germ_theory gauze succedaneum local radiotherapy truss plexor achromia general imaging urinalysis infusion indication contraindication clinician donor invasion localised rejection chelation autopsy festering host curvature auscultate fulgurating zymosis venipuncture insufflation dysfunction potentiation reserve palpable vicarious visualise specific monster scatology immunity emergency_procedure low-level_radioactive_waste medicate
2. [ noun ] (medicine,work) the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries
Synonyms: practice_of_medicine

"he studied medicine at Harvard"

Related terms: learned_profession preventive_medicine complementary_medicine alternative_medicine cure inject palpate bleed nurse remedy diagnose drug doctor group_practice salve soup dress resect strap cup immunize transfuse ankylose operate_on splint bandage infuse ankylose medicate medicate explore eviscerate digitalize dope poultice vet quack
3. [ noun ] (medicine,pharmacology) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
Synonyms: medication medicinal_drug medicament
Related terms: drug remedy dose powder prescription_drug antibiotic pentylenetetrazol patent_medicine antibacterial anti-inflammatory allopurinol anticonvulsant antiseptic antispasmodic antihistamine antihypertensive antiprotozoal antimalarial antipsychotic antipyretic antidepressant amrinone lithium_carbonate antitussive antidiabetic analgesic acyclovir APC emetic cold_medicine beta_blocker angiogenesis_inhibitor anticholinergic anticholinesterase immunogen bronchodilator calcium_blocker carminative blocker clofibrate counterirritant cytotoxic_drug decongestant demulcent diaphoretic disulfiram tonic alendronate Drixoral antiviral anxiolytic antidiarrheal expectorant histamine_blocker immunosuppressant astringent inhalant fixed-combination_drug atomic_cocktail antidiuretic gemfibrozil clopidogrel_bisulfate haematinic muscle_relaxant nux_vomica isoproterenol isordil over-the-counter_drug papaverine paregoric azathioprine lovastatin pharmaceutical drug_cocktail placebo lipid-lowering_medication poultice methacholine AZT purgative quinine antiemetic rubefacient sedative oxytocic cuprimine soothing_syrup specific herbal_medicine probenecid sucralfate suppository thrombolytic tincture antiarrhythmic tracer vasodilator vermifuge tyrosine_kinase_inhibitor vermicide anticoagulant physostigmine nonprescription prescription medicate medicate
4. [ verb ] treat medicinally, treat with medicine
Synonyms: medicate
Related terms: treat drug salve medication
5. [ noun ] punishment for one's actions
Synonyms: music

"you have to face the music" "take your medicine"

Related terms: punishment venesect vet
Similar spelling:   medicinal