lay is the dictionary form of laid Definition of lay
1. [ verb ] put into a certain place or abstract location
Synonyms: put place set deposit situate position posit pose fix

"Put your things here" "Set the tray down" "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children" "Place emphasis on a certain point"

Related terms: put move install settle arrange park seat insert plant misplace replace throw lean set_down sow superimpose bury space cock recess clap position deposit throw juxtapose stand stick glycerolize marshal misplace butt poise rest ensconce docket set_down pillow ground plant nestle bottle emplace barrel bucket imbricate sign repose intersperse postpose pile parallelize reposition superpose middle perch tee prepose cram load trench pigeonhole coffin rack_up ladle upend underlay set appose bed step siphon emplace ship recline stratify jar shelve raise assemble arrange postpone put_on communicate replace range land post drop imprison ensnare rig set_back disembark topographic_point position space set setting
2. [ verb ] put into a certain place or abstract location
Synonyms: put place set position pose

"Put your things here" "Set the tray down" "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children" "Place emphasis on a certain point"

Related terms: move situate install settle arrange park seat plant misplace replace throw lean set_down sow superimpose space cock stand recess clap position throw stick juxtapose marshal ground butt pillow docket ensconce poise stow rest set_down glycerolize misplace pitch middle sign bucket prepose postpose barrel parallelize pile reposition superpose tee bottle perch coffin rack_up load cram bed trench pigeonhole appose jar shelve ladle siphon set upend repose intersperse raise assemble assemble arrange postpone postpone put_on communicate range replace range land post drop imprison ensnare rig set_back disembark set_back
3. [ verb ] put in a horizontal position
Synonyms: put_down repose

"lay the books on the table" "lay the patient carefully onto the bed"

Related terms: situate put bury rail blow rebury put repose_on save superimpose hoard lie
4. [ verb ] prepare or position for action or operation

"lay a fire" "lay the foundation for a new health care plan"

Related terms: organize
5. [ verb ] (zoology) lay eggs; of female animals

"This hen doesn't lay"

Related terms: spawn layer
6. [ adjective ] (religion) concerning those not members of the clergy
Synonyms: secular laic

"set his collar in laic rather than clerical position" "the lay ministry" "the choir sings both sacred and secular music"

Related terms: profane
7. [ verb ] impose as a duty, burden, or punishment

"lay a responsibility on someone"

Related terms: levy
8. [ adjective ] not of or from a profession

"a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease"

Related terms: nonprofessional
9. [ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 1530
10. [ noun ] (music,fine art) a narrative song with a recurrent refrain
Synonyms: ballad
Related terms: song minstrelsy
11. [ noun ] (verse,writing) a narrative poem of popular origin
Synonyms: ballad
Related terms: poem edda
Similar spelling:   lad