1. [ noun ] a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
Synonyms: decision determination

: "a decision unfavorable to the opposition" "his conclusion took the evidence into account" "satisfied with the panel's determination"

Related terms: judgment predeterminaation settle
2. [ noun ] an intuitive assumption

"jump to a conclusion"

Related terms: assumption non_sequitur
3. [ noun ] event whose occurrence ends something
Synonyms: finish ending

"his death marked the ending of an era" "when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show"

Related terms: beginning happening victory result end defeat destruction stop foregone_conclusion finish Z end finish end
4. [ noun ] the act of ending something
Synonyms: ending termination

"the termination of the agreement"

Related terms: change_of_state destruction closure killing abortion completion adjournment dismissal liquidation dissolution overthrow fade retirement discontinuance abolition deactivation extinction demonetization relinquishment withdrawal release conclude
5. [ noun ] designated event that concludes a contest (especially a race)
Synonyms: close last stopping_point finish terminus finis finale

"excitement grew as the finish neared" "my horse was several lengths behind at the finish" "the winner is the team with the most points at the finish"

Related terms: end end happening point draw third-place_finish photo_finish runner-up_finish terminate complete close finish
6. [ noun ] (logic) the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)
Synonyms: ratiocination
Related terms: proposition syllogism minor_term major_term
7. [ noun ] (fine art,writing) the last section of a communication
Synonyms: close closing ending end

"in conclusion I want to say..."

Related terms: section finale epilogue peroration anticlimax epilogue narration address terminate end end
8. [ noun ] a final settlement

"the conclusion of a business deal" "the conclusion of the peace treaty"

Related terms: settlement
9. [ noun ] the act of making up your mind about something
Synonyms: decision determination

"the burden of decision was his" "he drew his conclusions quickly"

Related terms: choice move appointment finding call casting_lots resolution decide determine determine conclude
Similar spelling:   conclusive