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Definition of complament

"complament" is probably misspelled. Trying complement instead Definition of complement

1. complement [ n ] a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction

Used in print:

(Ralph B. Long. The Sentence and Its Parts: A...)

is Bill 's broken a chair , dominant stress will usually be on the complement a chair .

In I know one thing dominant stress will usually be on the complement one thing ; in one thing I know it will usually be on the predicator know .

In small-town people are very friendly dominant stress will generally be on the complement very friendly ; in the double sentence the smaller the town , the friendlier the people it will generally be on the subjects the town and the people .

it will generally be on the complement a linguist .

Dominant stress is on her luggage both in that 's her luggage , where her luggage is the complement , and in there 's her luggage , where it is the subject .

Synonyms complement Related Terms construction

2. complement [ v ] make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to
Examples: "I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup"

Used in print:

(Frank Getlein and Harold C. Gardiner, S.J., Movies,...)

Immediately , the film improved and it improved because in narrative it found a content based on time to complement its own unbreakable connection with time .

Synonyms complement Related Terms balance

3. complement [ n ] number needed to make up whole force
Examples: : "a full complement of workers"

Used in print:

(87th Congress, 1st Session. Congressional Record....)

Military experts say a tight naval_blockade off Cuban ports and at the approaches to Cuban waters would require two naval task_forces , each built around an aircraft_carrier with a complement of about 100 planes and several destroyers .

Synonyms full_complement complement Related Terms work_force ship's_company

4. complement [ n ] a complete number or quantity
Examples: : "a full complement"

Used in print:

(Booton Herndon, "From Custer to Korea, The 7th Cavalry"...)

Its entire complement of non-commissioned officers on the platoon level had departed as cadre for another unit , and its vehicles were still those used in the drive across Luzon in World_War_2 , .

Synonyms complement Related Terms count

5. complement [ n ] something added to complete or make perfect
Examples: : "a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner"

Used in print:

(Harold Rosenberg, "The Trial and Eichmann"...)

Heydrich , in opening the Conference , followed the reasoning and even the phraseology of the order issued earlier by Goering which authorized the Final_Solution as `` a complement to '' previous `` solutions '' for eliminating the Jews from German living_space through violence , economic_strangulation , forced emigration , and evacuation .

Synonyms complement Related Terms increase

6. complement [ n ] one of a series of enzymes in the blood serum that are part of the immune response

Synonyms complement Related Terms enzyme immune_response

7. complement [ n ] either of two parts that mutually complete each other

Synonyms complement Related Terms counterpart

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