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Definition of commun

"commun" is probably misspelled. Trying commune instead Definition of commune

1. commune [ n ] the smallest administrative district of several European countries (Belgium and France and Italy and Switzerland)

Used in print:

(Douglas Ashford, "Elections in Morocco: Progress...)

Preparation began slightly more than a year after independence with the first_steps to organize rural communes .

Since the complicated process of establishing new communes and reviewing the rudimentary plan left by the_French did not even begin until the fall of 1957 , this goal appears somewhat ambitious .

They were increasingly looked_upon as a means of establishing the new rural communes as the focus of a new , constructive national effort .

The chamber_of_Commerce elections were , of_course , an important event in the preparation for rural commune elections .

Voting preparations began in the fall of 1959 , although the actual demarcation and planning for the rural communes was completed in 1958 .

Synonyms commune Related Terms administrative_district France Italy Switzerland Belgium communize communize

2. commune [ v ] communicate intimately with; be in a state of heightened, intimate receptivity
Examples: "He seemed to commune with nature"

Used in print:

(Frank Oppenheimer, "Science and Fear-- A Discussion...)

I believe that what I do has some effect on his actions and I have learned , in_a_way , to commune with drunks , but certainly my actions seem to resemble more nearly the performance of a rain_dance than the carrying_out of an experiment in physics .

Synonyms commune Related Terms communicate pray communion

3. commune [ n ] a body of people or families living together and sharing everything

Used in print:

(Frank Oppenheimer, "Science and Fear-- A Discussion...)

Constitutional government , popular vote , trial by jury , public education , labor_unions , cooperatives , communes , socialized ownership , world_courts , and the veto power in world_councils are but a_few examples .

Synonyms commune Related Terms gathering communize

4. commune [ v ] receive Communion, in the Catholic church

Synonyms communicate commune Related Terms covenant communicate communication

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