1. [ verb ] move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
Synonyms: fall descend go_down

"The temperature is going down" "The barometer is falling" "The curtain fell on the diva" "Her hand went up and then fell again"

Related terms: rise ascend travel drop drip tumble crash pounce unhorse fall_down sink dive alight sink pitch set flop cascade precipitate precipitate correct rappel avalanche prolapse plop collapse descent fall
2. [ verb ] be the essential element
Synonyms: reduce boil_down

"The proposal boils down to a compromise"

Related terms: become
3. [ verb ] fall from clouds
Synonyms: fall precipitate

"rain, snow and sleet were falling" "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum."

Related terms: rain snow spat sleet hail fall precipitation condense
4. [ verb ] get sick
Synonyms: sicken

"She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital"

Related terms: worsen contract canker wan
5. [ verb ] criticize or reprimand harshly

"The critics came down hard on the new play"

Related terms: criticize
Similar spelling:   comedown