1. [ adjective ] most important element
Synonyms: main principal primary

"the chief aim of living" "the main doors were of solid glass" "the principal rivers of America" "the principal example" "policemen were primary targets"

Related terms: important
2. [ noun ] a person who is in charge
Synonyms: head top_dog

"the head of the whole operation"

Related terms: leader secretary administrator general_manager capo don department_head grand_dragon Indian_chief general administrator head_of_household patriarch head
3. [ adjective ] (of persons) highest in rank or authority or office
Synonyms: top boss head arch

"his arch rival" "the boss man" "the chief executive" "head librarian" "top administrators"

Related terms: important
4. [ noun ] (work) a person who exercises control over workers
Synonyms: boss foreman honcho gaffer

"if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman"

Related terms: leader supervisor straw_boss ganger baas
Similar spelling:   chef