1. [ noun ] (work) someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another
Synonyms: tender attender
Related terms: assistant courtier squire orderly bellboy checker batman companion page second equerry cupbearer escort esquire arouser groomsman linkboy orderly bridesmaid famulus page loader servitor racker squire steward stretcher-bearer trainbearer gillie caddie baggageman matron_of_honor rocker lifeguard tend serve
2. [ adjective ] following as a consequence
Synonyms: accompanying incidental_to incidental concomitant

"an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with related problems" "snags incidental to the changeover in management"

Related terms: related
3. [ noun ] a person who participates in a meeting
Synonyms: attender meeter attendee

"he was a regular attender at department meetings" "the gathering satisfied both organizers and attendees"

Related terms: person participant conventioneer partygoer meet
Similar spelling:   attend