1. [ adjective ] wet through and through; thoroughly wet
Synonyms: soaked sodden saturated sopping drenched soppy

"stood at the door drenched (or soaked) by the rain" "a shirt saturated with perspiration" "his shoes were sopping (or soaking)" "the speaker's sodden collar" "soppy clothes"

Related terms: wet
2. [ noun ] the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid)
Synonyms: soakage soak

"a good soak put life back in the wagon"

Related terms: natural_process soak
3. [ noun ] the act of making something completely wet
Synonyms: souse sousing drenching

"he gave it a good drenching"

Related terms: wetting drench
4. [ adverb ] extremely
Synonyms: dripping sopping

"dripping wet," "soaking wet"

5. [ noun ] (work) washing something by allowing it to soak
Synonyms: soak
Related terms: wash washing soak
Similar spelling:   soaking_up