"scripts" is probably misspelled. Trying script instead Definition of script
1. [ noun ] (writing) a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance
Synonyms: book playscript
Related terms: dramatic_composition dialogue libretto screenplay scenario shooting_script continuity promptbook
2. [ noun ] (writing) something written by hand
Synonyms: hand handwriting

"she recognized his handwriting" "his hand was illegible"

Related terms: writing shorthand longhand calligraphy scribble handwriting
3. [ verb ] (writing) write a script for

"The playwright scripted the movie"

Related terms: write writing
4. [ noun ] (linguistics) a particular orthography or writing system
Related terms: orthography Devanagari alphabet uncial cuneiform syllabary Avestan aramaic brahmi pahlavi uighur Arabic
Similar spelling:   script