1. [ verb ] (arms) bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
Synonyms: draw pull take_out get_out

"draw a weapon" "pull out a gun" "The mugger pulled a knife on his victim"

Related terms: remove unsheathe extract draw pull drawer
2. [ verb ] move out or away
Synonyms: get_out

"The troops pulled out after the cease-fire"

Related terms: pull_in leave chicken_out
3. [ verb ] draw or pull out, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense
Synonyms: extract pull draw_out pull_up take_out

"pull weeds" "extract a bad tooth" "take out a splinter" "extract information from the telegram"

Related terms: remove wring_out demodulate thread draw extraction
4. [ verb ] remove oneself from an obligation
Synonyms: back_off back_down bow_out chicken_out

"He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved"

Related terms: retire resile
Similar spelling:   pullout