1. [ noun ] (biology,botany) large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous; includes genera Solanum; Atropa; Brugmansia; Capsicum; Datura; Hyoscyamus; Lycopersicon; Nicotiana; Petunia; Physalis;Solandra
Synonyms: family_Solanaceae Solanaceae
Related terms: asterid_dicot_family Polemoniales genus_Capsicum genus_Browallia Atropa genus_Schizanthus Mandragora Cestrum Cyphomandra Datura Hyoscyamus Fabiana Lycium Lycopersicon Brugmansia Nicandra Nicotiana genus_Nierembergia genus_Petunia Physalis Salpichroa genus_Salpiglossis Brunfelsia Scopolia Solandra Streptosolen Solanum
Similar spelling:   potato_peel