1. [ noun ] (photography) a picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material
Synonyms: photo pic exposure
Related terms: picture snapshot scene frame closeup still longshot headshot hologram daguerreotype cheesecake stereo enlargement blueprint photographic_print photomicrograph telephotograph radiogram mosaic spectrogram microdot wedding_pictures photocopy telephotograph time_exposure vignette mug_shot beefcake black_and_white
2. [ verb ] (photography) record on photographic film
Synonyms: shoot snap

"I photographed the scene of the accident" "She snapped a picture of the President"

Related terms: record retake x-ray photography film photographer
3. [ verb ] (photography) undergo being photographed in a certain way

"Children photograph well"

Similar spelling:   photography