1. [ adjective ] nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space
Synonyms: adjacent side_by_side

"had adjacent rooms" "in the next room" "the person sitting next to me" "our rooms were side by side"

Related terms: close
2. [ adjective ] nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space
Synonyms: adjacent side_by_side

"had adjacent rooms" "in the next room" "the person sitting next to me" "our rooms were side by side"

Related terms: close
3. [ adverb ] at the time or occasion immediately following

"next the doctor examined his back"

4. [ adjective ] (of elected officers) elected but not yet serving
Synonyms: future succeeding

"our next president"

Related terms: incoming
5. [ conjunction ] conjunction, temporal chaining
Synonyms: thereafter then
6. [ adjective ] immediately following in time or order
Synonyms: following

"the following day" "next in line" "the next president" "the next item on the list"

Related terms: succeeding
Similar spelling:   nest