1. [ adjective ] not prepared or vigilant
Synonyms: off_guard off_his_guard off_one's_guard off_her_guard off_your_guard off-guard

"the blow caught him napping" "caught in an off-guard moment" "found him off his guard"

Related terms: unready
2. [ adjective ] not prepared or vigilant
Synonyms: off_guard off_his_guard off_her_guard off_one's_guard off_your_guard off-guard

"the blow caught him napping" "caught in an off-guard moment" "found him off his guard"

Related terms: unready
3. [ adjective ] half asleep
Synonyms: drowsing dozy dozing nodding drowsy

"made drowsy by the long ride" "it seemed a pity to disturb the drowsing (or dozing) professor" "a tired dozy child" "the nodding (or napping) grandmother in her rocking chair"

Related terms: asleep
Similar spelling:   nipping