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Definition of magnificient

"magnificient" is probably misspelled. Trying magnificent instead Definition of magnificent

1. magnificent [ a ] characterized by or attended with brilliance or grandeur
Examples: "the brilliant court life at Versailles" "a glorious work of art" "magnificent cathedrals" "the splendid coronation ceremony"

Used in print:

(The Dallas Morning News,...)

`` Nelson played magnificent football '' , Meek praised .

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

The great ultimate ends of religion have served as magnificent beacon_lights that lured people toward them with an almost irresistible force , mobilizing energies and inducing sacrifices ; for_example , the Crusades , mission efforts , just wars .

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

We shall not be able entirely to pass_over these connections to the East as we consider Ripe_Geometric pottery , the epic and the myth , and the religious evolution of early Greece ; the important point , however , is that these magnificent achievements , unlike those of later decades , were only incidentally influenced by Oriental models .

(Tristram Coffin, Not to the Swift....)

This is why he made such a magnificent soldier .

(W. E. B. DuBois, Worlds of Color....)

To most of those who composed the Amen_corner it was a magnificent and beautiful experience , something for which they lived from week to week .

Synonyms magnificent brilliant splendid glorious Related Terms impressive

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