1. [ adjective ] steadfast in allegiance or duty

"loyal subjects" "loyal friends stood by him"

Related terms: disloyal doglike liege true-blue allegiant hard-core true-blue hard-core leal patriotic loyalty
2. [ adjective ] unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
Synonyms: truehearted fast firm

"a firm ally" "loyal supporters" "the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison "fast friends"

Related terms: faithful
3. [ adjective ] inspired by love for your country
Synonyms: patriotic
Related terms: unpatriotic chauvinistic chauvinistic
4. [ adjective ] (used of persons) dependable in devotion or allegiance or affection
Synonyms: true fast faithful

"a faithful old dog" "a faithful friend" "fast friends" "a loyal companion" "she proved a true friend" "a lover absolutely true in act and word and thought"- H.O.Taylor

Related terms: constant
Similar spelling:   loyally