1. [ noun ] (zoology) either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye
Synonyms: eyelid palpebra

"his lids would stay open no longer"

Related terms: protective_fold eye conjunctiva eyelash
2. [ noun ] a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening of a container
Related terms: top trunk_lid box jar chest lock
3. [ noun ] (clothing) headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim
Synonyms: hat chapeau
Related terms: headdress bonnet boater fedora cowboy_hat cocked_hat helmet bowler_hat deerstalker bearskin titfer sombrero dunce_cap dress_hat cavalier_hat fur_hat fez campaign_hat millinery pith_hat porkpie shovel_hat toque sou'wester tyrolean crown hatband brim hat
Similar spelling:   lied