1. [ adverb ] (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished
Synonyms: almost nearly all_but virtually well-nigh near most about nigh

"the job is (just) about done" "the baby was almost asleep" "we're almost finished" "the car all but ran her down" "he nearly fainted" "well-nigh perfect" "virtually everyone"

2. [ adverb ] (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct
Synonyms: about approximately more_or_less roughly or_so close_to around some

"lasted approximately an hour" "he's about 30 years old" "some forty people came" "weighs around a hundred pounds" "roughly $3,000" "holds 3 gallons, more or less" "20 or so people were there"

Similar spelling:   juxtaposition