1. [ adjective ] marked by smartness in dress and manners
Synonyms: dapper raffish spruce rakish smart snappy natty dashing

"a dapper young man" "a jaunty red hat"

Related terms: fashionable
2. [ adjective ] marked by smartness in dress and manners
Synonyms: dapper raffish spiffy rakish smart snappy natty spruce dashing

"a dapper young man" "a jaunty red hat"

Related terms: fashionable
3. [ adjective ] having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
Synonyms: chipper debonaire debonair

"looking chipper, like a man...diverted by his own wit"- Frances G. Patton "life that is gay, brisk, and debonair"- H.M.Reynolds "walked with a jaunty step" "a jaunty optimist"

Related terms: cheerful
Similar spelling:   jaunt