1. [ adjective ] muscular and heavily built
Synonyms: burly beefy buirdly strapping

"a beefy wrestler" "had a tall burly frame" "clothing sizes for husky boys" "a strapping boy of eighteen" (`buirdly' is a Scottish term "a buirdly lad of twelve")

Related terms: Scotland robust
2. [ adjective ] deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion
Synonyms: hoarse gruff

"gruff voices" "the dog's gruff barking" "hoarse cries" "makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky:- Virgil Thomson

Related terms: cacophonous
3. [ noun ] (zoology) breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog
Synonyms: Eskimo_dog
Related terms: working_dog
Similar spelling:   husk