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Definition of haute

"haute" is probably misspelled. Trying hate instead Definition of hate

1. hate [ v ] dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards
Examples: "I hate Mexican food" "She detests politicians"

Used in print:

(Francis Pollini, Night....)

I hated the goddamn army from the first day I got_in anyhow .

(Robert Penn Warren, Wilderness....)

Once covertly looking at Simms_Purdew , the only man in the world whom he hated , he had seen the heavy , slack , bestubbled jaw open and close to emit the cruel , obscene banter , and had seen the pale blue eyes go watery with whisky and merriment , and suddenly he was not seeing the face of that vile creature .

In that moment of vision Adam heard the voice within himself saying : I must not hate him , I must not hate him or I shall die .

In that moment of vision Adam heard the voice within himself saying : I must not hate him , I must not hate him or I shall die .

(Leon Uris, Mila 8....)

I hate Warsaw , he said to himself .

Synonyms hate detest Related Terms love dislike contemn abhor abhorrence

2. hate [ n ] the emotion of hate; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action

Used in print:

(Francis Pollini, Night....)

The word also made him feel hate , sincere hate , for those so labeled .

The word also made him feel hate , sincere hate , for those so labeled .

Synonyms hatred hate Related Terms love emotion hostility misopedia misogyny misogamy misology murderousness despisal misoneism malevolence misanthropy abhorrence

Rhymes with


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