1. [ adjective ] having brief brilliant points or flashes of light
Synonyms: glinting coruscant scintillating glistering glittery scintillant fulgid sparkling sparkly aglitter

"bugle beads all aglitter" "glinting eyes" "glinting water" "his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent" "shop window full of glittering Christmas trees" "glittery costume jewelry" "scintillant m

Related terms: bright
2. [ adjective ] having brief brilliant points or flashes of light
Synonyms: glinting fulgid glistering glittery scintillant scintillating sparkling sparkly aglitter

"bugle beads all aglitter" "glinting eyes" "glittering Christmas trees" "glittery costume jewelry" "scintillant mica" "the scintillating stars" "sparkly sequins" "`glistering' is an archaic term"

Related terms: bright
Similar spelling:   glitter