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Definition of forhead

"forhead" is probably misspelled. Trying forehead instead Definition of forehead

1. forehead [ n ] the part of the face above the eyes

Used in print:

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

This time Rachel kissed him lightly on the forehead .

(Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy....)

In_particular he sought the gentle , sweet-faced nuns , with head_coverings and veils coming to the middle of their foreheads , remembering their expressions until he reached home and set them down on paper .

(Arthur Miller, "The Prophecy," in The Best...)

Her eyebrows were definite and heavy and formed two lines moving upward toward a high forehead and a great head of brown hair that fell to her shoulders .

(John Hazard Wildman, "Take It Off," The Arizona...)

Their father , when he came_back from those many business trips , just bumped their mother on the forehead with his lips and asked if anybody had thought to mix the martinis and put them in the electric icebox .

Synonyms brow forehead Related Terms feature face trichion

2. forehead [ n ] the large cranial bone forming the front part of the cranium: the forehead and the upper part of the orbits

Synonyms os_frontale forehead frontal_bone Related Terms membrane_bone cranium eye_socket metopion ophryon frontal_eminence glabella

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