1. [ verb ] make full, also in a metaphorical sense
Synonyms: fill make_full

"fill a container" "fill the child with pride"

Related terms: empty change load deluge replenish complete stuff load pack overfill clog people saturate clutter impregnate impregnate brim electrify line heap lubricate top_off stuff surcharge ink prime lube line stuff pad shade fatten makeweight filler filling fill
2. [ verb ] become full
Synonyms: fill

"The pool slowly filled with water" "The theater filled up slowly"

Related terms: empty change_state rack_up water flood filling
3. [ verb ] fill or stop up
Synonyms: fill close

"Can you close the cracks with caulking?"

Related terms: change fill seal plug coapt blockage
4. [ verb ] (food) eat until one is sated
Synonyms: stuff fill cram jam

"He filled up on turkey"

Related terms: eat gorge
Similar spelling:   Filip