1. [ adjective ] tending or serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst

"an explosive device" "explosive gas" "explosive force" "explosive violence" "an explosive temper"

Related terms: nonexplosive bursting detonative
2. [ adjective ] liable to lead to sudden change or violence
Synonyms: volatile

"an explosive issue" "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation"

Related terms: unstable
3. [ adjective ] sudden and loud

"an explosive laugh"

Related terms: sudden
4. [ noun ] a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck
Related terms: chemical gunpowder high_explosive dynamite explosive_mixture warhead smokeless_powder TNT impulse_explosive charge blasting_gelatin HN plastic_explosive explosive_compound cordite low_explosive explosive_device
Similar spelling:   explosively