1. [ verb ] praise, glorify, or honor
Synonyms: glorify proclaim extol laud

: "extol the virtues of one's children" "glorify one's spouse's cooking"

Related terms: praise ensky hymn canonize crack_up glory glory deification laudator
2. [ verb ] fill with sublime emotion; tickle pink (exhilarate is obsolete in this usage)
Synonyms: thrill beatify inebriate exhilarate

"The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies" "He was inebriated by his phenomenal success"

Related terms: elate archaism exhilaration ecstasy frisson thrill
3. [ verb ] heighten or intensify
Synonyms: inspire enliven animate invigorate

"These paintings exalt the imagination"

Related terms: stimulate encourage ecstasy
4. [ verb ] raise in rank, character, or status

"exalted the humble shoemaker to the rank of King's adviser"

Related terms: lift deify deification
Similar spelling:   exalted