1. [ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 12432
2. [ noun ] (government,geography) a parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; a former colonial power
Synonyms: Spain kingdom_of_spain
Related terms: European_country common_market European_Economic_Community North_Atlantic_Treaty_Organization Spaniard Basque Europe Iberian_Peninsula Majorca Barcelona leon oviedo malaga Jerez Lusitania Canary_Islands Tagus Cadiz san_sebastian sevilla Granada Andalusia Seville sierra_nevada Toledo Aragon Zaragoza cantabrian_mountains Castile Catalonia Madrid Galicia Pyrenees Ebro Valencia Balearic_Islands cape_trafalgar Cordoba Cartagena Spanish Latin_America conquistador Don_Juan duenna Catalan spanish_civil_war first_of_october_antifascist_resistance_group basque_fatherland_and_liberty amigo grand_inquisitor criollo paella sangaree Galician auto-da-fe
Similar spelling:   Espinal