1. [ adjective ] characterized by ascetic solitude
Synonyms: hermitic anchoritic

"the eremitic element in the life of a religious colony" "his hermitic existence"

Related terms: unworldly
2. [ adjective ] of or relating to or befitting eremites or their practices of hermitic living
Synonyms: eremitical hermitic

"eremitic austerities"

Related terms: cenobitic eremite eremite
3. [ adjective ] characterized by or preferring solitude in mode of life
Synonyms: solitary lone eremitical

"the eremitic element in the life of a religious colony" "a lone wolf" "a man of a solitary disposition"

Related terms: unsocial
4. [ adjective ] characterized by ascetic solitude
Synonyms: eremitical hermitic hermitical anchoritic

"the eremitic element in the life of a religious colony" "his hermitic existence"

Related terms: unworldly
5. [ adjective ] characterized by or preferring solitude in mode of life
Synonyms: solitary lone

"the eremitic element in the life of a religious colony" "a lone wolf" "a man of a solitary disposition"

Related terms: unsocial
Similar spelling:   eremitical