1. [ noun ] something used to beautify
Synonyms: ornament ornamentation
Related terms: artifact design falderal set_decoration interior_decoration brass gargoyle Christmas_tree centerpiece architectural_ornament knob adornment cockade embellishment stud garnish graffito hanging beading nailhead bow lunula molding hood_ornament sgraffito necklet spiral sprig flower_arrangement finial arabesque encrustation tail_fin tinsel rosemaling tracery wind_bells garnish inlay decorate dress
2. [ noun ] an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
Synonyms: medal palm medallion ribbon laurel_wreath
Related terms: award Order_of_the_Purple_Heart Medal_of_Honor Distinguished_Service_Medal Navy_Cross Air_Medal Distinguished_Service_Order Distinguished_Flying_Cross Silver_Star_Medal gold_medal bronze_medal Bronze_Star_Medal Victoria_Cross Distinguished_Conduct_Medal Distinguished_Service_Cross Croix_de_Guerre Medaille_Militaire oak_leaf_cluster silver_medal decorate
3. [ noun ] the act of decorating something (in the hope of making it more attractive)
Related terms: change_of_state trimming tattoo window_dressing adornment tessellation figuration marking ornamentation titivation deck
Similar spelling:   degradation