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Definition of colorfull

"colorfull" is probably misspelled. Trying colorful instead Definition of colorful

1. colorful [ a ] having striking color
Examples: "colorful autumn leaves"

Used in print:

(Richard I. McCosh, "Recreation Site Selection"...)

It may be distant views of a valley or the mountains or natural features such as a small lake , colorful rock formations , or unusual trees .

(B. J. D. Meeuse, The Story of Pollination....)

They keep their wings and feet pressed tightly against their bodies , and in_spite_of their often colorful attire you may very well mistake them for lumps of dirt .

As we have already seen in the first chapter , bumblebees are bigger , hairier , and much more colorful than honeybees , exhibiting various combinations of black , yellow , white and orange .

(Hampton Stone, The Man Who Looked Death...)

You have your paper horn clutched in your big , craggy fist , and for your entrance you have planned a noisy , colorful and exuberant greeting to your friends and tenants .

Synonyms colorful colourful Related Terms colorless bright deep ablaze psychedelic changeable prismatic fluorescent chromatic color

2. colorful [ a ] striking in variety and interest
Examples: "a colorful period of history" "a colorful character" "colorful language"

Used in print:

(Bell I. Wiley, "Home Letters of Johnny Reb and Billy...)

Some of their figures_of_speech were colorful and expressive .

(Charles Wharton Stork, "Verner von Heidenstam"...)

Professor_Fredrik_Bo ^ o ^ k , Sweden 's foremost critic of the period , acclaims it as_follows : `` In this we have the verse of a painter ; strongly colorful , plastic , racy , vivid .

(Brainard Cheney, "Christianity and the Tragic Vision-Ut...)

The show was colorful , indeed , exuberant , but the press for all its assiduity could detect no note of a fateful rendezvous with destiny .

Synonyms colorful Related Terms colorless brave picturesque flashy many-sided many-sided flamboyant

3. colorful [ a ] having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination
Examples: "colored crepe paper" "the film was in color" "amber-colored heads of grain"

Synonyms colored in_color colorful coloured Related Terms colorless red aflame hued tinted touched trichromatic black roan empurpled dichromatic ginger bicolor auburn monochromatic motley blue polychromatic blue calico bay color

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