1. [ noun ] (government,geography) a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947
Synonyms: India republic_of_india
Related terms: Asian_country British_Commonwealth Organization_of_Petroleum-Exporting_Countries Indian Asia Bombay Bihar karnataka nilgiri_hills Panipat Kamet Orissa goa Salem bangalore Pobeda_Peak Hindustan Maharashtra Delhi Calcutta agra Madras Lucknow jabalpur Gujarat Gujarat lucknow Kashmir Plassey Tien_Shan uttar_pradesh mysore Nanda_Devi Assam Brahmaputra Ganges Punjab Himalayas west_bengal manipur sikkim canara madras hyderabad chennai andhra_pradesh jawan panchayat subcontinent malik crore nabob indian_mutiny pukka Panipat godown outcaste Lucknow dacoit mahout chapatti mulligatawny national_volunteers_association wallah movement_for_revenge mogul_empire al-ummah Plassey dacoity
Similar spelling:   Baratta