1. [ adjective ] contrived by art rather than nature
Synonyms: unreal

"artificial flowers" "artificial flavoring" "an artificial diamond" "artificial fibers" "artificial sweeteners"

Related terms: natural man-made fake conventionalized ersatz conventionalised painted cardboard factitious arranged celluloid near bionic dummy bleached unreal counterfeit
2. [ adjective ] artificially formal
Synonyms: stilted hokey contrived

"that artificial humility that her husband hated" "contrived coyness" "a stilted letter of acknowledgment" "when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation"

Related terms: affected
3. [ adjective ] artificially formal
Synonyms: stilted contrived

"that artificial humility that her husband hated" "contrived coyness" "a stilted letter of acknowledgment" "when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation"

Related terms: affected
4. [ adjective ] not arising from natural growth or characterized by vital processes
Related terms: inorganic
Similar spelling:   artificially